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Common Plumbing Myths People Fall for Every Time

The Plunger Can Fix Any Clog


While the plunger is a great tool to dislodge a number of clogs, if you are dealing with something solid or dense (like a major buildup or a tree root, for instance) the suction of the plunger won’t be enough. You’ll need to resort to a plumbing snake or the force of hydrojetting. Your plunger is, however, a great first step to take to try to get those clogs out.

Creatures Can’t Swim up Your Pipes

If the thought of creatures makes you squirm (think the slithering or crawling kind) you may want to take notice of this. Creatures can, in fact, swim up your pipes. Rats, for instance, are excellent swimmers and do reside in the sewers often. Other creatures you might find are snakes, frogs and squirrels. If you live in an area where these critters are known to frequent, simply having a flap put overtop your waste pipe on the toilet can keep them out.

Water Heaters Don’t Explode

Oh yes, they do! In order to prevent this from happening, you need to maintain your water heater on a regular basis with the help of a professional. When your T&P (temperature and pressure) valve is damaged or blocked (either with residue or air flow) it isn’t able to vent the steam that gathers as your heater heats the water. Eventually, it will explode under these conditions. Check your valve now and then to make sure that it isn’t blocked.

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